
As you walk your sacred journey, it is my honor to support you, your family, loved ones, colleagues and clients as you navigate the creative process of life.
When you’re ready, schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss currently available support options.

Creative Coaching provides support with various areas of life, including but not limited to: conscious parenting, co-parenting, communication and relationships, relationship abuse recovery, mindfulness, navigating change, down to earth spirituality, trauma recovery, emotional health, nurturing presence and somatic parts work.

Conflict Resolution through Mediation offers a supported process to resolve problems collaboratively through clear choices of the involved parties. Currently offered focuses include: family mediation, divorce, separation, custody, parenting time, eldercare and guardianship.

Mindfulness practice can enhance quality of life for anyone of any age who is willing to experiment with the natural awareness we have as humans. Currently, trauma sensitive mindfulness is offered for schools, facilities, organizations, employee well-being, events, private and small group coaching.

Body art with henna is a sacred experience to support the soul and nourish the body. All henna paste used is homemade from simple, natural ingredients. Henna designs last about a week, depending where they are located on the body. Currently, henna is offered for private sessions, private parties and small events.

A doula is a person trained to advise, inform, and offer emotional and physical comfort to a person and their loved ones during a vital transition in their lives. Planned for Spring 2025, Postpartum and End-of-Life doula services are anticipated to be available on a limited basis.

Domestic violence impacts families across the globe. As a survivor, I share some of my story as well as support to create safety through awareness and advocacy. Currently, advocacy is offered through relationship abuse recovery coaching for survivors, group facilitation and speaking engagements for groups, organizations, schools, etc.

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